
Inputs indicate which state elements (usually: UTXOs) are consumed by a transaction. Each state element can be consumed and produced at most once.


enum InputType : uint8 {
    Transfer = 0,
    Deposit = 1,
    HTLC = 2,
    Root = 3,


name type size description
type InputType 1 InputType.Transfer or InputType.Root.
witnessIndex uint8 1 Index of witness that authorizes spending the state element.

There are no spending conditions on plain transfer UTXOs and root UTXOs (collected fees) other than a valid signature from the owner of the UTXO.


name type size description
type InputType 1 InputType.Deposit.
witnessIndex uint8 1 Index of witness that authorizes spending the deposit.
owner address 20 Deposit owner address.

There are no spending conditions on deposits other than a valid signature from the owner of the UTXO. The owner of the deposit must be provided as it is needed to compute the unique deposit ID.


name type size description
type InputType 1 InputType.HTLC.
witnessIndex uint8 1 Index of witness that authorizes spending the state element.
preImage bytes32 32 Preimage of digest if spending through hashlock.

HTLC UTXOs require a valid signature from the owner of the UTXO. In addition, if using the hashlock condition, the preimage must be provided. If using the timelock condition, HTLC UTXOs are only spendable after the output's timelock has expired.